Friday, February 22, 2013

Hi There People xD

Introducing myself has always been a challenge for me. I don't know what to say about myself, and frankly speaking, I don't think I know myself that well yet. So I usually just talk about what others talk about, where I'm from, what clubs I want to join, whether I'm domestic or international, etc. But this is supposed to be an awesome self introduction! So I hope this doesn't become another boring list of information and hobbies. I'll try not to make that happen.

My name is Hyun Soo Jeon, and you can call me Ben if you want to. Actually, I prefer being called Ben because a lot of people pronounce my name incorrectly. They either think that the h is silent or that it's pronounced Hyoon-Soo.. Oh well, I'm now used to hearing a lot of different, creative versions of my Korean name, but still, I'd rather be called Ben in English classes.

Happens a lot in Seoul..
Okay, now that we're done settling the name problem, let me introduce myself. I was born on September 17th, 1997 in Seoul. When I was seven years old, I moved to Daejeon. And personally, I think Daejeon's a lot better than Seoul. Well, it's a lot quieter and less.. crazy, I guess. By crazy I mean hurried people, traffic jams, loud honks, and so on. Well you know what I mean. When I was in sixth grade, I went to San Diego, California. At first I didn't want to go there. I have all my friends in Korea, and I'm living a very normal life, no problem. Why do I have to go to the US all of a sudden? But in the end I did go there, and, uh, loved it. Seriously. Oh. My. God. I really had a fun time there and made a lot of close friends (who actually had a surprise party for me before I left for Korea). I might even have chosen to stay there for the rest of my life if I could.

But, as you know, I came back. And spent the rest of my middle school years in Seoul, at a school called Middle School Attached to College of Education, Dankook University. Well yeah, that's the official name. It was a new experience going to a Korean middle school, being under the pressure of studying and all that, but I got used to the new environment pretty quickly and it all went well. It was an all-guys middle school. Some people have preconceptions that going to an all-guys (or all-girls too, I guess) school would be really boring, but actually it's quite the opposite. It was really fun, maybe even better than coeducational schools. Then I applied for, and got admitted to, KMLA. So now I'm a citizen of Hoengseong (assuming that those official documents that we turned in got processed), live in a dormitory, and am writing this right now.
That sums up my past life pretty much. I wonder what will happen in my future.

I have to admit, I'm a really quiet person. I usually don't talk much to those who are not close to me. And I don't usually show much reaction to funny jokes or sudden rap battles or whatever. Actually, I don't know what reaction to show. When someone just randomly starts rapping in front of me, all I'd do is go "umm.. okay..? wow" (awkward smile) and that's all. But please note that it's not like I don't like you, or I think you're weird, etc. It's just that I'm not used to talking a lot. I still think you're awesome. I still think your rapping is awesome. It's just that I'm not sure what to say.

What else is there? Well I love listening to music. YB's awesome. Simple Plan's awesome too. Oh, you should listen to When I'm Gone by Simple Plan if you haven't listened to it before. It's not that I know a lot about music, though. I don't even know for sure what genre these songs are. I think I've heard somewhere that they're called alternative rock, but then what's the difference between rock and alternative rock? Okay, this is making me confused now. Anyways, I just love listening to music, nothing more. Music makes me happy.

I don't want to get to the boring part, but I feel like I should write this somewhere, so I'll just squeeze all of it into this one paragraph. I'm interested in science, especially chemistry and biology. My dream changed a lot along the course of my life, starting from detective (okay that was when I was seven years old) to journalist, writer, computer programmer, doctor, and finally developing new medicines. My favorite subject is math, subject to change because I'm trying a lot of new subjects that I've never learned before, like economy, MS Excel (in computer class), debate, and so on. Okay, that's it for the boring stuff.

That was one long self introduction. Well, I don't think it was that boring, was it? It was actually fun writing this.
If you read all this, thank you, I hope you enjoyed it. If not, well there's still three years' time for us to become friends, so it's alright.
Nice to meet you guys all, let's be great friends, have a nice life!

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